
How to install Techstream 12.20.024 Windows 7 (video)

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

Toyota Techtsream TIS v12.20.024 is updated, tested successfully and released!  This is how to install Techstream software 12.20.024.

Techstream 12.20.024 download: (Mega link will be available)

operation system: Windows 7 32 bit


Step 1: install Techstream 12.20.024 software

open Techstream 12.20.024 disk F:

copy all files to another new folder on Desktop

open Techstream 12.20.024 setup application

choose a setup language for installation


preparing setup

Next to install Techstream software


accept the agreement

enter the user name and company name, then Next

begin Techstream 12.20.024 installation

installing Techstream 12.20.024…

successfully installed Techstream


Finish Techstream v12 installation

Step 2: replace the MainMenu.exe

copy the MainMenu.exe

go to Techstream Properties on Desktop

open file location

paste and replace MainMenu.exe in Program files/toyota diagnostics/techstream/bin

Step 3: install MVCI driver

run MVCI driver for TOYOTA TIS SETUP

Next to install MVCI driver



installing MVCI driver

Finish MVCI driver installation

Step 4: register Techstream

run Techstream application on Desktop

Yes to continue

close the internet explorer

this is Techstream ver.12.20.024 interface


register Techstream software 12.20.024

it’s Techstream crack version

use key (attached to the Instructions.txt) to register



exit Techstream

Step 5: check MVCI fw version

run MVCI firmware update tool on Desktop

Device info


exit MVCI firmware update tool

Step 6: run Techtsream 12.20.024

run Techstream application on Desktop

Yes to continue

close the internet explorer

Techstream-12.20.024-windows-7-download-install-8 Techstream-12.20.024-windows-7-download-install-9 Techstream-12.20.024-windows-7-download-install-10 Techstream-12.20.024-windows-7-download-install-11

Techtsream 12.20.024 Windows 7 installation success!

Toyota Teschstream v12.20.024 has been tested OK with:

Mini VCI cables (SV46, SV46-B, SV46-C) and Vxdiag Vcx Nano Toyota