
How to install Toyota Techstream v12.00.0127 Windows 7

OBD1 à OBD2 Câble Connecteur Outils de diagnostic de voitures

Techstream 12.00.0127 user manual here you go… about how to setup Toyota TIS Techstream v12.00.127 for  MINI VCI, MVCI 3 in 1, Toyota OTC2 diagnostic tool on Windows 7 or Windows XP.

Free download  Toyota TIS Techstream 12.00.127 on Mega:

crack, activated, free

100% tested with  MINI VCI, MVCI 3 in 1, Toyota OTC2…all OK

How to install TIS Techstream 12.00.0127 for MINI VCI/MVCI cable?

How to install TOYOTA Techstream 12.00.0127 for Toyota OTC2?

There are  only 2 steps of Techstream v12.00.0127  installation:

Install Techstream application->Install software driver

Any difference in Techstream 12.00.0127 software installation?

Mini vci/Mvci & OCT2 Techstream installation only differs from driver installation. For details, here you go…

How to install Mini vci/ MVCI driver?

Techstream software installation completes!

Then install driver as follows:

Run MVCI Driver for TOYOTA to install (it’s in disk E:)

Begin to install MVCI driver


Installing MVCI driver for toyota tis…

Finish MVCI driver installation


Pop-up: instilling device driver software

Pop-up: your device is ready to use

Run MVCI Firmware Update Tool on Desktop


Run Techstream on Desktop

Pop-up: Java can be  obtained from the web? NO!

Go to Setup->Techstream Configuration


Select Area: Europe, Language: English,


Techstream-v12.00.127-mvci-driver-6 Techstream-v12.00.127-mvci-driver-5

Then, Connect to Vehicle for diagnosis….

How to install Toyota OTC2 driver?

Techstream software installation completes!

Then install driver as follows:

Open the folder OTC drive->setup (application)

Select a language

Click on Install


Preparing for the installation

Begin OTC VIM Updater installation


Accept the agreement

Click on Install

Installing OTC VIM Updater…

Finish OTC VIM Updater installation!


Pop-up: installing device driver software

Pop-up: USB LCVCI device driver software installed successfully

Run Techstream on Desktop

Select Area: Europe, Language: English,

Techstream configuration: input the info


Go to Setup->VIM Select


Interface setup: OTC VIM


Then, Connect to Vehicle for diagnosis/ecu programming/key programming….