Free download DAF Davie 5.6.1 APP 84.00 PRSubset 16.51.F3 and know how to install DAF Davie heavy duty diagnostic software on Windows 7!
Free download DAF Davie XDc II Runtime 5.6.1+ Application 84.00+ Parts Rapido Subset16.51.F3!p0phlBQB!_-aOhrr_6TLwZ2miwQmhDg
Password: t00g0g?4m#
Download WKSCode file WKSCODE_ISO.iso for installation!V5ZgHYYJ!acfv3uKJ-PVDXaoXiTufLUOZV3CToWkVAlhLqEUuDAA
Before install DAF VCI Lite software, you need to know:
Now DAF Davie 5.6.1 will come with DAF VCI Lite V1 DAF Truck Scanner, tested working 100% YES.
Software will be provided in the format of Acronis images, not DVD or CD format
So software no need activation, no need installation!
If you are sure to install it by yourself, you can check below DAF Davie 5.6.1 installation steps:
Prepare a laptop with Windows 7 32bit. Win 8 and Win 10 haven’t been tested.
DAF Davie 5.6.1 installation need at least 30GB hard disk space!
Burn the ISO files to DVD discs or use Alcohol120% software to emulate DVDRW Drive.
Steps to start:
1.Insert DAVIE 5.6.1 disc and install DAF Davie as usual
2.Run DAF DAvie
Click on Login button
Password ADMIN (two times)
3You’ll get the message
“Your user code is not installed. Install your user code per instructions”
Copy WKSCode file to USB flash and insert it to the laptop
Click OK in the message window
If everything is going right, you’ll see “Logout” and “Administration” buttons
If you get the message “Wrong code”, download WKS ISO file and insert it in Alcohol120%. Then click OK and the code will be installed.
4.Insert ISO disc AS84_PRS16.40 to Alcohol120%
Click on Administration button in DAVIE
Choose Install Update, then Browse, choose Application folder, click OK and choose required language, then OK and OK again
Wait till it will be installed.
Click OK
Program will be restarted.
Click on Administration button in DAVIE
Choose Install Update, then Browse, choose Parts Rapido Subset folder – OPEN -PRS 16.40.F0 will be installed – OK
It will take more time for installation than App update.
6.Extract files from 16.51 update. Click on Administration button in DAVIE
Choose Install Update, then Browse, choose folder with extracted files – Open – OK. Wait a little.
7.Add user account and name it TECH. Click on Master technician to higher user rights. Click on Password and type TECH.
You will use this account for trucks diagnosing.
8.Reboot pc and start DAF software and type TECH and password TECH.