
2017 BMW Rheingold SQLiteDB French FR for ISTA 4.04 Download

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

Are you still looking for BMW ISTA SQLiteDBs file for French language?

Here you go: Rheingold SQLiteDBs French free download in mega! Tested OK on BMW ISTA 4.04.12, work perfectly!

2017-05-bmw-icom-ista-4-04-12-software-hdd-2 download-bmw-ista-sqlitedbs-file-french-fr-language-1

BMW ISTA Rheingold SQLiteDBs file download for French language:

SQLITE-FR-ISTA-D-4-04 (1.11GB)



What’s BMW ISTA SQLiteDBs file?

SQLiteDBs is the language file work for BMW ISTA-D.

Usually a specific ISTA-D software version has it’s specific SQLiteDBs file to match it.

That’s the reason why you can only use this SQLiteDBs on BMW ISTA-D 4.04.

Tested OK:

BMW ISTA-D 4.04.12

BMW ISTA-D 4.04.20

BMW ISTA-D 4.04.31 (Haven’t tested, but it should OK as well)


If you need a newer ISTA software, BMW ISTA 4.05.20 ICOM HDD WIN 7 is now the best choice!

ISTA-D 4.05.20


VIN: 2017.04.25

Support French and many other languages

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