New Genius Master V5.05 or Kess V2 master V4.036?

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

With the newly released Genius Master V5.05 touch map, some people asked what it differs from Kess V2 master V4.036
Here is a comparison table made by engineer.

ECU programmer New Genius Kess V2 V4.036(SE87-C) Kess V2 V4.036(SE87-D)
Multiplexer genius-and-flash-point-obd2-boot-protocols-ecu-hand-held-chip-tuning-tool-supprorted-all-vehicle-120 v211-kess-v2-illimit-token-version-firmware-v4036-sans-j-link-programmeur-120 se87-d-kess-v2-firmware-v4036-manager-tuning-kit-master-avec-illimite-token-0
Language English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese,


English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French
Software 7.06.506 Build 3029 V2.15 V2.15
Hardware V5.05 V4.036 V4.036
Tokens No Tokens Limitation,30 Tokens come with device by default, you can press the tokens reset button on the back of hardware to get new Tokens No Tokens Limitation,CD comes with token programmer, you can follow our video to program tokens. No need remove chips or desolder chips No Tokens Limitation, there is renew button on the main unit. This button is used to charge tokens. Once your tokens run over, just click this button, then tokens will go back to 30 tokens.
Update via hardware via hardware via hardware
Support Protocols CAN-BUS, KWP and J1850 protocols Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850 Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850
Support Vehicle Car, Bikes, LCV

Support more new vehicle than Kess V2 New Genius ECU List

Car and Bike Car and Bike
PC Hand-held ECU Chip Tuning Tool, no PC need; software is inside the machine already directly to use PC-based ECU Programmer, you need install the software by yourself PC-based ECU Programmer, you need install the software by yourself
Function and method Read and Write ECU via OBD2 directly
Price €426 +shipping € 133 free shipping € 225 +shipping