Read Jeep Grand Cherokee EDC17, KESS V2 or K-TAG?

Programmeur De Calculateur

I need to read and write Jeep Grand Cherokee EDC17C19 2012. But I do not know what ecu programmer should I go for? K-tag or KESS V2?

Through an hours searching, I learned that original K-TAG will do this job. The K-tag pinout scheme sent by a nice guy can be loaded here:
ktag-pinout-1-e1446190197371 ktag-pinout-2-e1446190209828
There still a problem. The original Alientech K-TAG Ksuite ECU tuning kit is way too expensive to afford it. Will a clone ktag do the same? I started searching again.

Several K-TAG experts have all their answers:

1. K-TAG clone or original will work
2. KTAG ok, I am sure the clone will do 100%.
3. I made of a 18 unit with the removal. K-tag takes.

So I get my K-tag 6.070 clone with free ECM TITANIUM V1.61 software ordered here:

Because I was told/ persuaded that ktag firmware v6.070 works much better than other versions.

The package is still on the way. I cannot wait hooking it up and reporting the results.