Service de codage en ligne Audi utilisant le logiciel ODIS
J’ai utilisé un logiciel Odis fissuré et un bon vas5054a imitant More… blog officiel
J’ai utilisé un logiciel Odis fissuré et un bon vas5054a imitant More…
Odis 4.3.3 cannot identify VAS 5054A head, installed on VM Windows 7 x64. Latest .Net Framework, latest java, latest windows updates. The errorRead More…
Have collected all you need for installing ODIS-S 4.3.3 ODIS-E 8.1.3 Postsetup 51.0.40 on Windows 7. Hope it helps you out. Have fun. Part 1: Odis Read More…
ODIS 4.2.3 100% OK with VAS5054A/6154, Vxdiag Vcx Nano Confirmed! ODIS 4.2.3 software works good with a series of Vag diagnostic tools from China sRead More…
Free download the newest ODIS 4.3.3 Postsetup+Full Licence + Launcher and install on Windows 7 to use with use VAS 5054A head…NO LUCK! ODIS 4.3.3Read More…
Topic: VAS5054A with Toyota Techstream as Passthru Download: Different Toyota and HDS install Kits!5wQ0UDJJ!BFnI-KgJurRead More…
VAS 5054A software ODIS Service 4.2.3 software.. Here you go. Part 1: odis-s 4.2.3 download Part 2: odis 4.2.3 install Part 3: odis 4.2.3 worRead More…
Free download ODIS-S 4.2.3 ODIS-E 7.2.2 latest version: Free download ODIS-S 4.2.3 Off board DiagSetup:!5coSwAyb!KfVPxVtmTxTNoXOuWRead More…
VAS5054A adapters clone are multi-choice, they differ from each other in price & PCB chips being used. Question arise which one has the better quaRead More…
(08.2017) Free download clone VAS 5054A ODIS-S 4.1.4 software crack, install on Windows 7 system, read reviews of ODIS-Service 4.1.4. Part 1: VAS 5Read More…
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