Have 2016 Mercedes C63S with fuel pump issues, it’s been replaced, fuel module computer replaced. Autel MaxiPRO MP808TS is a good scan tool not only read codes but clear them also.
Car model: 2016 Mercedes C63S
Issues: had endless issues with fuel pump, it’s been replaced, fuel module computer replaced, and issue is every few weeks it just won’t start.
Looking for a scan tool not only read codes but clear them also.
Read @ prktkljokr Review first:
I purchased a Autel MAXIDAS DS808 @ $1000AU, but I use it every second day on all sorts of cars and it does everything I have asked of it so far, so it was worth every cent.
Something like this one might be more suited to what you want, plus you can use it on other makes and models It wont do the same as the one I have but it will read and clear your codes..
This one with 1 make of car, that is able to be updated with more manufacturers @ $10 ea
– It has done everything I need it to do plus more, coded some keys to a BF Falcon ute and a Territory as well, paid for itself 10 times over already.
I have not used it on a 2016 C63S, but have used it on many other Mercedes, also other cars, trucks and even used the OBD feature on a 2018 Kawasaki Ninja bike, I cant see why it wont as I have used it on cars up to 2019 so far with no problems.
Or this one with full makes and models
I have sorted all codes from a 2012 W204 accident damaged apart from hard codes in airbag module with my Autel, even Xentry can’t do it you need to replace the module once airbags have detonated.
Have also used it to change instrument cluster, radio, ABS module, seatbelts, reset SRS steering angle sensor and reset after repairs were done on a W204 that was in limp mode, calibrated steering angle sensor, calibrated parking sensors, plus many more procedures that I was told only the star could do,
Generic Scan tools have come a long way and the ones that are in the upper scale in price can do 99% of what a dealer tool can do, I am yet to come across a problem that I cant do with mine, not saying that I wont, just I have not yet.
Bonus of the Autel is I am not limited to Mercedes, I can do the next door neighbors Kia too, my work ute, or my truck, its a good allrounder for $1000 AU
At the end of the day if what you have does what you need then that’s all you need, but for an example, if you want to delve in further and re-calibrate your parking sensors, or adjust your steering angle sensor or a heap of other things I can’t think of at the moment , you need a half decent scan tool, I only went for the Autel because it does all make of cars not just the 1, i want it for whatever I decide to buy next as well, never know I might buy a Ferrari next.
Question: Doesn’t Autel require yearly subscription though?
Answer: No. You get free updated for a year and then if you wish to update after that it costs you, you dont have to update, you can use it for as long as you like with no updates.
You will only need updates if you need to do newer cars that come out after your year expires.
Finally. Just ordered one Autel MaxiPRO MP808TS as the DS808 now discontinued, got them down to $900 delivered and they said it’ll work on the 2016 C63.
Update: worked a treat. It wiped a lot more than the Xentry and no issues yet.
One user advised me:
Clearing the codes is 1 thing, you may need to go into some of the control modules and calibrate them, I had similar results when I first scanned my W204, I just went through everything slowly and rectified what was wrong, you will find that some codes are there because something that is connected to it has codes, fix 1 thing but clear 10 codes at the same time, I can scan the car now and I dont get any fault codes at all.
Good luck!