This is for those who are looking for the best way to program (read/write) FEM/BDC 95128/95256 chips.
Good to know: “FEM/BDC program: traditional way vs new way”
Traditionally, for FEM/BDC programming:
You need remove chip 95128/95256 from FEM/BDC and desolder for data read and write.
Desolder and solder the chip twice
It’s difficult, time consuming and risky, because you need
– disassemble and desolder chip 95128/95256 twice (might damage the module)
– manually solder the chip (might lead to data lost)
But if you program FEM/BDC by ICP, the problem will be solved.
Done with ACDP mini and FEM/BDC adapter
- Easy and time-saving
Special puncture socket replaces traditional welding, and the operation is simple and efficient.
- Safe and reliable
No need disassembling and soldering
No need remove the 95128/95259 chip to read data
Never damage the anti-theft computer
Data can be read and written with pin intelligent detection