
SD Connect C5 China clone Good or Not?

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

Worth buying a SD Connect C5 China clone?

Look at the C5 circuit boards here:

sd-connect-c5-pcb-1 sd-connect-c5-pcb-2 sd-connect-c5-pcb-3 sd-connect-c5-pcb-4 sd-connect-c5-pcb-5 sd-connect-c5-pcb-6 sd-connect-c5-pcb-7 sd-connect-c5-pcb-8 sd-connect-c5-pcb-9 sd-connect-c5-pcb-10

Note that this is a real C5 cloned unit,

not the one with no changes but in a new case only

Cloned but real SD connect C5 source: