Found an interesting discussion in a Facebook group. Copied here for all. Hope it helps.
Bid thanks to Kin Lee and Andrew Cuillo
Topic: AutoProPad and Obdstar X300 DP key master, which one should you have?
Kin Lee: That AutoProPad’s the same platform as X-100 Pad 2 & double the cost, after 1st year will cost $900 a year where OBDSTAR’s only $170 a year for updates. Anytime a USA company takes over expect the price to pay much more with promises of good things to come, but will it come?
Andrew Cuillo: I have had autopropad and I haven’t had any problems they have tech support in us and team helping the us market add more cars nissan Smart keys are super quick
Kin Lee: Plus I seen AutoProPad do a 5 into 4 pin Nissan system & you need to read BCM write it down then enter it manually back into it then it’ll gave old & new pin where’s ODBSTAR does all this with 1 push
Andrew Cuillo: did u know the person who made ikey used to work for xtool
Andrew Cuillo: This is nissan
Kin Lee: ok used too so he no longer does
Kin Lee: what’s that pic of Toy or Nissan 20 pin?
Andrew Cuillo: Nissan Smart keys 4digit pin
Unlocks goes into programming just insert key and done
Kin Lee: every good Chinese tool does Nissan 20 pin Smart keys super fast & IKEY does it the fastest I ever used
Andrew Cuillo: And autopropad can do some bmws too
Kin Lee:
OBDSTAR X300 DP BMW FEM/BDC smart key…
Andrew Cuillo: here is our group for it
AutoProPAD USA-(AutoProPad-LITE)
Kin Lee: what you doing after the 1st year? Paying $900?
Andrew Cuillo: $1000 a year
Kin Lee:…/autopropad-1-year-updates…/
AutoProPAD 1 Year Updates & Support Subscription -by XTool
Kin Lee: $1000
Kin Lee: I just read Ray-Ray said $900 in a group
Andrew Cuillo: yes they give u one year for free Carey at American Key is the master distributor
Kin Lee: I know the 1st year is free with every tool & I’m talking about after that!
Andrew Cuillo: $1000 a year
Amanda has one
Kin Lee: that’s my point!! $1k after the 1st year OBDSTAR’s only $170, it’s just like Launch charges $900 after the 1st year & MyTab’s only $150
Kin Lee: I think your missing my point here, AutoProPad cost $2700 to buy & $1k after the 1st year, X300 DP cost $800 to buy & cost $170 the next year, so tell me how much better does $2700 get you in 2 years?
Kin Lee: And in 2 years X300 DP is still have faster CPU, bigger RAM, long lasting battery and higher resolution.
Andrew Cuillo: Kin Lee I see what your saying I got mine in the beginning for $1800 when there is something wrong I have someone to call and get the software fixed if there is a problem
Kin Lee: on top of all that OBDSTAR’s leading the way on VAG’s right now, look at their H110 I added a key to an 10 A6 in under 2 min as well as a 16 Jetta, can Autopropad do that too?
Andrew Cuillo: I know the other one is cheaper and faster I haven’t tried it yet maybe my next programmer will be x300 dp
Kin Lee: I’m looking for my next tablet to buy & all my research is pointing to OBDSTAR
Kin Lee: If I wanted a high dollar tablet that claims to be the best but running on a old platform I would have waiting a few more months & traded in my MVP for the Dumb Pro!
Kin Lee: The bottom line’s no 1 tool will ever do it all & I’m always looking for the best BANG for the $$, so I don’t mind having multi tools to get the jobs done without spending a lot & I’m pretty good @ that!!
Kin Lee: I just saved over $200 a years on auto insurance & got much more coverage from $25k/$50k to $100k/$300k & renters insurance for less $$ & I now pay $30 less a month with lots more coverage!! This is what I’m talking about paying more don’t always get you more in life!!