
Searches related to BMW ICOM: ICOM software, ICOM Next/A3/A2/A

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

BWM ICOM clone any recommendation? Here are the searches related to BMW ICOM

1: BMW ICOM software

This is 2017.03 bmw icom software: ISTA-D 4.04.12 ISTA-P, tested by professionals@obd2diy.fr


ISTA-D 4.04.12………100% tested & worked!

ISTA-P………100% tested & worked!

BMW ETK 2017.2………100% tested & worked!

BMW KSD 09.2016 ………100% tested & worked!

INPA………100% tested & worked!

NCS Expert………100% tested & worked!

WinKFP………100% tested & worked!

E-Sys 3.27.1, Psdzdata 59.0………100% tested & worked!

BMW FSC code generator ………100% tested & worked!

BMW AiCoder………100% tested & worked!

2: BMW ICOM interface

BMW ICOM interfaces clone/original include: icom next, icom a3, icom a2, and old bmw icom.



ICOM Next is faster than the old bmw icom. It is also better built IMHO.

And 2017 Next is WIFI available also.

It handles multiprogramming and coding quite nicely.

Gets the job done much faster if flashing the complete vehicle.

Another benefit to Next will be compatibility for future cars.

In two or three years there will be a new ICOM released, that will be probably better etc. That’s how things work.




The new ICOM A3 hardware, same kind of assembly in ICOM A2. So, two points should be mentioned:

First, it is ICOM A2 with build in usb-ethernet adapter.


Second, it is K+DCAN interface built in A2 casing.


The main reason for A3 is thatit can resume programming where left off during interruption. NOT Quality.

ICOM A3 – can program all units – but not media.

ICOM A3 doesn’t support 20 Pin connector old cars, but the CPU should be faster.

But still had some minor issues – it was still getting hot when intensively used. But worked OK for flashing cic cid etc.



BMW ICOM A2 is the best and most ideal option for almost bmw repair work coz its popularity makes users can find any solution every time when they have trouble with icom emulators or bmw coding/programming.

Actually, ICOM A2 is definitely a redesign of the old ICOM A1.

Take a look on the CPU layer, it’s easy to find LED´s on both layers. One side would never light outside the case, but in the A1 case the LED´s were used in the paste.

Print quality of the layer is really good. Due to the old BMW ICOM A module have problem in the cooling and protection design, ICOM A2 adopts the whole aluminum shell body, using aerial explosion-proof connector; and it use the joint connection line which similar to the SDconnect C4

The Oldest: BMW ICOM clone


BMW ICOM A1 is the oldest icom diagnostic tool and stopped production nowadays.It cannot work well with the new or future cars. Not wise to choose icom a in 2017.

3: BMW ICOM for sale

Tip 1: Quality & Price

In China, you can get anything – at/for any price, problem is that you will have to accept the quality. “You get what you pay for” – And this is more or less true, there will be always someone somewhere “trying to” do it for less, but there are thresholds and once you step under them, you will have to suffer from the results. Quality of a product also depends on the material you purchase (You can’t simply make gold out of wood)

Tip 2: Reasons for low costs

The only reason why the obdii diagnostic cables are made in China is because 90% of the materials (micro-controllers and ICs) come from there. That is, it’s mainly about cost, most people would not be ready to pay 3-4 times the price just for the device being made in Europe or the US.

So, items are produced in high quantity and cost saving here. And not everything from China is cheap crap, but it is better to know someone there you can trust.