VPECKER Easydiag review for sharing: VPECKER Easydiag Wireless OBDII diagnose Peugeot 206 OK, read clear all DTC codes and show engine live data stream!
Open VPECKER Easydiag software Peugeot V12.0 to start diagnosis.
Choose car model: 206, engine type: petrol then ECU type: BOSCH ME7.4.4
Read Peugeot 206 DTC trouble codes firstly.
DTC codes exist as P0341, P0201 and P0463.
After check the DTC description and status, go back to clear trouble codes OK.
VPECKER Easydiag show Peugeot engine live data stream
Peugeot 206 fuel injection system live data:
Peugeot 206 ignition advance changes:
Peugeot 206 engine coding and air conditioning:
Peugeot 206 depollution system upstream oxygen sensor status:
Link to this VPECKER Easydiag V9.0 wireless OBDII diagnostic tool: