Autel MaxiSYS MS906 VS Maxidas DS708 VS MaxiSYS MS908P

Outils de diagnostic de voitures

With the newly release of Autel MaxiSYS MS906 scanner, Maxidas DS708 has new replacement. An increasing number of customers ask what it differs from the Maxidas DS708 and MaxiSYS MS908P. engineer make a comparison table which compare the similarities and difference among Autel MaxiSYS MS906, Maxidas DS708 and MaxiSYS MS908P.

Tool Name Autel MaxiSYS MS906 Autel Maxidas DS708 Autel MaxiSYS pro MS908P
Main Unit autel-maxisys-ms9061 autel-maxidas-ds708 autel-maxisys-pro-ms908p
Language English only at present, in the near future more language will be added. English/ France/ German/ Spanish/ Japanese/

Portuguese/ Russian

English/ Spanish/French/ German/ Portuguese/

Polish/ Italian/


Update Free update online for 1 year. After one year free update, click here to buy update service:

Free update online for 1 year. DS708 stop producing now, for update service, go to official site to download. Free update online for 1 year at official site.
Wifi YES YES VCI connects wirelessly to the main unit with

Long-Range Class 1


Bluetooth NO NO YES, 908P with Bluetooth
OS Android 4.0 OS Windows CE AndroidTM 4.0
Vehicle coverage more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle makes more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle makes More than 40 vehicles makes from US domestic, Asian and European.
Coding/programming NO NO coding and ECU programming
Function Codes, live data, actuation tests, adaptations Codes, live data, actuation tests, adaptations codes, live data, actuation tests, adaptations, coding and ECU programming
Warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year