Where to get digirpog 3 V4.94 upgradable version?

Révision KM d'Odomètre

Questions before entering:
Someone in the Mh*****told me about some digiprog is not possible to update in future…i like buy one updatable. Where is the best place to go for a digiprog 3?

Digiprog 3 odometer correction master tool easier version V4.85/V4.88 is able to be updated to current version V4.94.
For update to 4.94, your DP3 must be not banned
59 0C 8F 0E 00 00
24 CC 65 07 00 00
0A CA 8F 0E 00 00
AF D6 8C 07 00 00
FA 9C 60 16 00 00
1B D7 10 12 00 00
3A C9 28 17 00 00
66 82 06 11 00 00
SN must be not banned and SN must ends on 0000 (or E000 etc).
Also, your digiprog3 must be recognized by PC when connecting USB.
Digiprog 3 V4.94 update service is available in obd2diy.fr for € 40.31.

But is it possible to update digipog 3 V4.94 to high/advanced version in the feature?


Digiprog project is already closed. So updates will not in the future.


If the project is closed, you can either buy the lower cost unit in the web or good have quality clone.

The cheapest digiprog III in obd2diy.fr are SM47-F/SM47-E, but if you do not want to have blue screen issue, SM47-D is the better choice.