Several weeks ago, a car owner drive me a BMW 2014, and found it’s not compatible with my autocom. Then tested other more car models after 2014; it can’t work neither. Asked a friend working in a repairing garage, he recommended me VDM UCANDAS.
As he suggested, the original UCANDAS VDM V3.8 wireless automotive diagnosis system is advertised better than autocom, it claims one-year free update at official website, and works with newest cars up to 2014.
This is the genuine VDM UCANDAS package, arrived this week, cost €209. It came with the main unit with OBDII cable, software driver and USB cable. The package is very simple compared with Launch X431 my maintenance friend bought, which packed with many adapters.
I installed it successfully on my Win7 ( it claims Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8. No WP8/Win8 RT can support it). Very easy to install with the help of user manual (link:, you can get it from, no need to activate.
The biggest advantage for me is the supported WIFI connection and Bluetooth. You know, how convenient it is if you have ever diagnosed any vehicles: D
Besides, this UCANDAS VDM covers a wide range of vehicles (it is said that UCANDAS VDM V3.8 supports almost all cars in the market.). Except diagnosing my BMW 2014, I also helped to do programming for my bro’s LandRover suv 2013 lr4 successfully.
A nice purchase.
Ps. I am just a customer, share what I experienced here, wish it can help you.:cheer2